What role did ministers like Shivraj Patil, P Chidambaram, AR Antulay, Digvijay Singh and officials like Chitkala Zutshi, Dharmendra Sharma, Hemant Karkare, RV Raju play in the Hindu Terror narrative? Here is a version of a man who almost was taken captive and was to be traded for release of Ajmal Kasab, but saved by sheer providence. In his insider account, author RVS Mani discloses how the country’s internal security establishment functioned in the period of 20042014 when India faced some of the bloodiest terrorist carnages. This former Home Ministry official posted in the Internal Security Division between 20062010 poses several questions which the nation should seek answers to.
RVS Mani shot to prominence on account of the maneuvering of facts in the now infamous Ishrat Jahan case. As an officer of the Home Ministry, Mani had decided to put the facts before the Gujarat High Court. This did not suit the political dispensation in 2009, although the entire Internal Security establishment stood behind him.
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