Author: Ruma Chakravarti
ISBN: 9789382711940
Binding: PB
Price: Rs 325
Rabindranath Tagore was born in 1861 and to bring his work to a generation of net-savvy readers a hundred and fifty five years later is a daunting task. Our attempt in this book is to make our 21 century readers relive Tagore, get a feel of his life and times, his paintings, his romanticism, his obsession with afterlife, his radical thinking, his gender-sensitivity,
Ruma Chakravarti was born in Ghana and schooled in India. After living in Africa, India and Popua New Guinea, her home is now Australia. She has been blogging about Tagore’s work for three years, translating songs, poems and stories. A year after she started, three volumes of Ruma’s Tagore translations were published and the experience has led Ruma to believe that Tagore can still be deeply relevant among young Bengalis growing up without knowledge of the language.
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